The Trout Trust was borne out of necessity. There are various groups working on issues faced by Alberta's waterways and The Trout Trust will work with these groups to accomplish shared goals. Our focus initially is on the health of the Bow River trout populations and more specifically, the issue of fish entrainment in irrigation canals throughout Alberta and the issue of transparency from our provincial and federal government pertaining to entrainment. The Trout Trust is researching the history of canals and irrigation in Alberta, and the effects of and possible solutions to this issue in Alberta and elsewhere, with the hopes of raising public awareness and encouraging a solution either from within the Provincial Government, or from outside it.
Several Ministries can have a significant impact when working together toward a common goal and the health and longevity of our trout waters. They include Agriculture and Irrigation, Tourism, Small Business and Environment. In the course of our efforts, we have encountered difficulties in acquiring critical information from government agencies to assess the extent of the problems our waterways face. We believe the public has a right to access this information in a timely manner and in a non-curated version.
Unarguably, entrainment is a critical issue affecting Alberta's trout populations and critically needed non-sport species, as identified by Alberta Environment and Parks in 2021. The Trout Trust will represent united anglers in bringing this issue to the forefront for resolution before the government proceeds with proposed further irrigation projects.
Vision Statement
“To collaboratively, with wildlife- and water-conservation groups, establish the aesthetic and financial value of wild fish in the eyes of the public and government, and to ensure that fish habitat is monitored, protected and preserved in perpetuity.”
Mission Statement
"The Trout Trust speaks in a unified voice directly with government, representing the interests of wild trout and those who care about them.